How to open your Third Eye


There are already heaps of processes all over the internet, and especially you tube on how to open your third eye. The key is to find what works for you and to stick to it with out high expectations any activity in this area is a step forward. For most this will be an on going process i still do third eye work, some will progress at faster or slower rates. It is different for everyone so just relax and see what happens for you. take note of any strange sensations or experiences no matter how small.


How to Meditiate


Find the activities that you are most single minded about. Where you find the least amount of chatter in your mind, this may not include watching any sort of TV. These are the places where your mind naturally slows down. Then as you do them try to be as present in the moment as you can. In other words you are just enjoying what is. Find things about the moment you can appreciate and just be there. Do not think about the future or the past just attempt to be. When you are feeling more confident move on to more traditional mediation and get comfortable in a chair or bed and try to keep your thoughts on your inner self. The breath is the best place to start.




How to Deal with Resistance



Finding resistance is the hardest part about dealing with resistance. The feeling of resistance is best caught when it is in it’s subtlest form. It feels like a lie, like although you know it may be true you still don’t believe it completely. but all negative emotion is formed from initial resistance. S if you start with something really obvious you can find it easier. once you know what it feels like you can then find it in it’s more subtler forms and catch it earlier and earlier.

First of all you have to get really honest about what you truly believe, therefore finding resistance is usually best done alone with no one around to judge you. When you find a negative emotion ask your self what you believe about the situation that is upsetting you. for example: I am jealous of my partner’s friends because I believe that I am missing out on my partners attention when they are spending time with friends.

Then you can see exactly how this thought is based in a lacking vibration and therefore causing you to feel and experience more lack in your life. Then you can turn to a thought that makes you feel a bit better about the subject like, I can find attention from many people and places, the attention I get from my partner is different and special. I am free to have other positive experiences in my life when my partner is hanging with their friends. There is no lack in the universe so I will always have attention as long as i am allowing it, I want my partner to be happy and having friends make them happy causing the time we are together to be of a better quality.

We could go on but I’m sure you get the point. You may even want to take out a journal and write all of the positive perspectives of the situation down so that you can return to them and reassure yourself when you get feeling jealous.

Write more as you feel better but start with stuff you believe first that you cannot deny and keep going until you hit that feeling of disbelief. Each day you will get further and further before you feel it.




How to be Free of anything

How to be free of anything


This process is good for shifting the mood, showing you how you can have control over your feelings and notice how much unnecessary power you give to conditions. When you are doing something, (I find driving an effective one) change the mental conditions of the moment and see how your emotions shifts.

So if you are driving to work, ask yourself how would I feel if I was driving to the airport to go on holidays, or how would I feel if I were driving to my loves house, or how would I feel if this drive ended with… what ever you really like. The physical driving experience is the same no matter where you are going. Same car, same steering wheel, wheel turns, brake in, brake out, etc. You get what I’m saying but how we feel about the drive is determined by what we think about the drive, what we believe about the destination.

You are doing the same thing you would be doing if you were going on your dream holiday and you are doing it now. A shift in perception can make all the difference. Now the conditions of the drive are no longer controlling your emotions, the conscious thoughts of your mind are.

You can try this with more than just driving. If you have other places you use it make sure and comment.

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How to stop negative thought

negative thoughts


An Easy way out of negative thoughts is distraction. When ever you catch your self having a negative emotion, distract yourself. Don’t go for the opposite thought however, if you are having worries about bills don’t tell yourself you are rich. At first don’t try to console yourself on the subject that is worrying you, as that will just activate your vibration on that subject right where it is, and you know that’s a negative place because it feels bad.

Instead try, counting backwards from 20, imagining each number in your head, do it a few times in a row for more effect, or try something equally ridiculous. It may not seem like you are making a big impact but when you have successfully distracted yourself, your vibration will shift to a better place. You will register this as a feeling that feels better than how you did before the distraction.

Just remember these processes are more like games, have fun with them, don’t take them too seriously. If a process doesn’t work for you remember this is why the base information is available through the video. THAT is the important stuff, buy learning that stuff you can come up with your own processes that work for you individually.


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How to get what you want

What you want


Becoming the frequency of what you want can sometimes be as easy as imagining you have it, but if your imagination is not good or you find you feel bad because it is not happening right now, there is a more comprehensive way to help your vibration emulate what you want.

First of all make a list of all the emotions you hope to have by obtaining what you want, then think of times past present or future that you have or will feel that emotion and why you liked it. You don’t have to do them all at once, you can do one emotion per day if you want but by the time you finish on your roll with that emotion you should feel a shift toward that emotion. The longer you do it the more you will feel the emotion. Because your emotion is your vibrational indicator, the shift in emotion is sign of a shift in vibration.

Just remember these processes are more like games, have fun with them, don’t take them too seriously. If a process doesn’t work for you remember this is why the base information is available through the video. THAT is the important stuff, buy learning that stuff you can come up with your own processes that work for you individually.

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Why you should care about your vibration

Why care.jpg


To help you to learn the connection between thought and emotion, you may want to try this. When ever you feel negative emotion, ask yourself what you were thinking about, and where the thought train started and also where it is heading. Usually when you don’t feel good about the thought it’s because of what it means to you. When you have identified the offending thought briefly, try to find a better feeling thought. Even if the thought is on another subject, from the past or imagined for the future if it feels better go there. In fact why stop there see if you can find a better feeling thought than that, and then another one. Make a game of it and see how many better feeling thoughts you will find. The key to this process is to not try to make yourself feel better but to record how each thought actually makes you feel.


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Manifestation 06: State of Allowing

llldigitalHi to all,

Do you have the guts to truly fly by the seat of your pants? Don’t be worried if you don’t. Though I would recommend it highly. I don’t mean that you should stop caring, only that you stop caring… wait, let me explain.

I Don’t Care

I mean don’t lose your sense of compassion, don’t stop desiring the best for yourself and others, but do stop caring how, when and why these things will happen. Stop caring if a situation will or won’t eventuate. What you want may come to you in a faster or better way than anticipated. If you allow it to happen and remain in joy. To do so, the short cut you are being given will get you there much faster. If you resist, your short-cut becomes a very painful long-cut.

Let go of preconceived notions of what will make you happy and just be happy. Know that although we don’t have the ability to tell if that job we really want could turn into the worst thing that ever happen to us or the job of our dreams. If we can get into or even stay in the “Flow” what’s best for us and what we want will always happen. Continue reading

Fear 01: Pitfalls

lllchakra_03Hi to all,

Fear is the opposite vibration to love. When we can live without fear it means we are living in complete love. This may feel like a feat but is very possible through self work. But what we need to do is have the guts to see our fear, face the pain and move through it in a self loving way. But how do we do this without becoming lost in our own pain?

The Process

Well, first of all we need to understand this is a process and the process can vary greatly for each of us. We understand the goal of this, that is the positive and wanted outcomes if doing this, however we also have to understand the pitfalls, so that when we reach them we know how to move through them quickly and not get caught up in self blame for falling into them. For this we need to understand they are normal and necessary to the process.

Knowing what they are before we get to them can be of great help but don’t just expect them. We want to line up with getting through them not line up with falling into them which is two different levels of vibration. To do this we need to know and be confident we know how to deal with them in an effective and time efficient manner. So today we are going to talk about these pitfalls, what they are and why we need them. And most of all we are going to talk about how to deal with them. Continue reading

Redemption 01: Begininning of the End

llllight_01Hi to all,

Have you ever had a manipulative friend? A friend that when you realize that all they want to do is manipulate you they get angry and want to hurt you? Have you ever shared a body with that friend. No. Well I never thought I would be sitting here answering yes. This was not the beginning of the story. But it is the beginning of the end. The most juicy part if the story.

Who Are You?

For those of you who are familiar with my blog you will know who Gemini and Teepu are. Actually no you don’t. Scrap that. They, it seems are one in the same, or are they? What they are, what it is, I am trying to determine but also who am I. It seems my memories are coming flooding back. I would say they are the wrong ones but they are not. They can’t be, maybe I’m asking the wrong questions, looking for the wrong thing. Maybe the timing isn’t right. I get the feeling I have been hiding who I am from myself. Probably for very good reasons. Definitely for very good reasons if my memories are correct. Continue reading